

This version was saved 17 years, 6 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by PBworks
on July 9, 2007 at 3:01:54 pm

Welcome to the Bristol Permaculture Group wiki

The BPG is a network of people around the city involved in a wide range of Permaculture activities.


In a quest to reduce our ecological footprint, we share skills, ideas, resources and workshops, have workdays on projects, swap plants and seeds and occasionally get together for a pint.


The group is incredibly active but rarely has time to update a website! Get in touch with us to join our email group to keep up to date with events, courses and workdays.

For more information about Permaculture visit http://www.permaculture.org.uk or the indymedia permaculture page.


If you are interested in contributing to a wiki about permaculture on an international level, then see this excellent new project. This wiki will have all its content freely available and reproducible under an open license.



Try the RSS feed for the Bristol Permaculture Group wiki 

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